Thursday, January 29, 2009

Top Ten Super Bowl Party Essentials

It's important to have everything you need on Sunday because once the game is underway, you don't want to have to run out.

So to help you prepare for the biggest Sunday Funday of the year, here are the Top Ten Super Bowl Party Essentials.

10. The Remote Control

You don't want your girlfriend or wife trying to sneak in a few minutes of The Real Housewives of Orange County during the game do you?

Before kickoff, make sure you designate a replacement remote operator so that nobody has to suffer through that nonsense.

9. Taco Dip and or/Nachos

I challenge you to find me anyone who doesn't like a variation of either Sunday Funday snack. Easy to make, easy to consume and both go so well together with a frosty mug filled with your favorite brew.

8. Comfortable Clothing

Think elastic waistband and you'll do just fine. A hoodie, some warmup pants and you're set for the rest of the day.

Either that or get yourself a Snuggie.

Has anyone noticed how the Snuggies in the commercial are all the color of the Arizona Cardinals?

Side note: Just to give credit where credit's due, our friend over at SI's Hot Clicks, Jimmy Trainia, was the first to reference the Snuggie. That is, if he really even wants to be known as the man who turned the Snuggie into a Pop Culture icon.

7. Chicken Wings

The hotter the better as far as I'm concerned. I'm only interested if I start sweating before I even take my first bite. I don't want to be able to taste anything for a week.

Can you handle that?

6. Super Bowl Drinking Game

You're going to have plenty of beer so including it on this list would be pointless. But what's a little boozing with friends without a game to play along with the game?

After doing a little snooping around, I found this gem (NSFW).

5. Comfortable Seat

Having a comfortable place to sit is paramount in terms of your overall Super Bowl enjoyment. Think of it as your home base. It's where you'll eat, drink, talk trash and possibly even sleep.

Just make sure you call seat lock before getting up.

4. The Bacon Explosion

I see this thing and I want to start grunting along with Tim Taylor on Tool Time.

But has there even been a more manly concoction than this thing?

You create a woven wrap of bacon, spread a layer of ground Italian sausage over it, add crispy bacon, BBQ sauce and some seasonings and you've got yourself the stuff of legends.

For the full recipe, visit the Bacon Explosion's creators: BBQ Addicts.

3. Toilet Paper
Let's be honest.

You put a bunch of guys in a room together that have been drinking coffee all morning, eating greasy food washed down with beer in the afternoon, you're going to have some bombs a brewing.

While we're at it, throw in some Glade pine tree air freshener.

2. Big Screen, HD TV

Once you go HD, you never go back and you don't want to watch the Super Bowl on anything else.

1. Squares or Strip Cards

It's the Super Bowl!

Everyone gambles on the Sunday of all Sundays. Before everyone shows up, or you leave your house, make sure to bring about thirty bucks in an assortment of bills. That way you'll be included in all the action.


John Wessling said...

Hey guys, John Wessling from here. Thanks for the link action to the drinking game list. Love your site, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

That infomercial for snuggies is great. I love it when you see the two people wearing snuggies outside while cheering at a sports game.

Ricky O'Donnell said...

It's Matt Olsen's world and we're all just living in it.