Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Top ten reasons we can’t wait for the NFL to begin

Preseason games in only 30 days…

10. Madden

I’m not really much of a video gamer anymore, but I’ve bought Madden at midnight the last seven years. Something pathetic: I don’t envision a point in my life when that stops.

9. Arrogant receivers

No group of athletes provide as much entertainment and excitement every game as NFL receivers. And while NBA players take bereavement leave to increase their strip club time, most of the hijinx pulled by Randy Moss, T.O., and Chad Johnson are harmless. Just don’t tell Joe Buck that.

8. Hating the Patriots is more fun than hating anyone else

Hating the Yankees just isn’t as much fun when they aren’t good. Bill Belichick is sports' biggest villain, a criminal so dirty, so surly, that childhood hated can return for even the most mature fans.

7. No more Favre!

Wait a second…

6. The return of Pacman

Pacman Jones is the ultimate wildcard. Will the former sixth overall draft pick transform the Cowboys D into the NFL’s most explosive unit? Possibly. Will he pillage the city of Dallas just for the hell of it? Probably. Jones is the NFL’s version of the Joker.

5. Adrian Peterson

What other NFL player could have a Free Darko post dedicated to him? Here’s just a sample:

He possesses every tool a running back could possibly need: a field vision that can only be called prescient, an extra gear that he effortlessly slides in and out of to render established defensive geometry obsolete, the moves to make people miss in tight spaces, and speed and power that seem almost understated—the result is not the jaw-dropping flashiness of LDT or Barry Sanders, but a chameleonic, graceful efficiency dedicated solely to moving the ball forward.

If only he was in another division…

4. Every game matters

Baseball’s endless season has its perks, but rarely does one game ever truly matter. Every week in the NFL is do or die, and you can feel the pressure from the players, coaches, and fans to win from Week 1.

3. Fantasy football > Life

It’s true. I heard a sweet new blog written two incredibly handsome gentlemen will even give you advice and observations all season long. Seriously. Check it out.

2. Devin Hester

ESPN’s Bill Simmons once wrote an article on how it’s impossible to write something interesting about Tiger Woods. I think Hester has reached that rare status. What can you really say about the guy? He’s the best specialist in NFL history, the most exciting player in the game, and really the Bears only threat to score.

1. The Bears bring Chicago together

As much as I love making fun of the Cubs- and trust me, it’s like my favorite thing ever- nothing beats having our entire great city behind one force.


Check out TUP for a post on Rich Harden and a recap of last night's Sox win.


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Hi Blogger,

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Thanks and Regards,

Zach Martin said...


Anonymous said...

unless its for a million dollars and free tickets to a Cougars game I say we turn down this "offer."