Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top Ten Things Learned From the NBA Finals

The NBA Finals were covered with tons of storylines. The “Big Three”, Kobe, Phil Jackson potentially passing Red Auerbach and of course the famous Celtics and Lakers match-up made for a must see six games.

The biggest point of fascination for me is Kevin Garnett. I’ve personally been enamored with KG since his senior year at Farragut when he paired with Ronnie Fields to form one of the most devastating duos in Public League history. Of course the label of Garnett wilting in big games started that year when Farragut lost to Thornton downstate and I remember feeling the awful watching that game. Since then I’ve always rooted for him and it felt good to see him win last night.

10. Phil Jackson coasted through the series

I don’t understand how one of the best basketball coaches to ever step foot on the floor just lets his team get destroyed physically and mentally like the Lakers were. Is he that angry with Kobe that he just lets the Mamba scream and stalk the floor with no ramifications? I really don’t get it. Phil is supposed to be a master motivator and his team looked really flat except in the first quarter of games four and five. Unacceptable. I would not be at all surprised if he didn’t come back. On a side note, Phil is absolutely huge on the bench compared to everyone else. He’s tall to begin with and sits straight upright next to his assistants. If you watch Sportscenter look at the Laker bench and how Phil is a GIANT next to his other coaches.

9. Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol: Pansies

Look the doubts were there before. Gasol would probably rather participate in siestas and drink tea and wear feminine sandals while Odom will play hard for a little while and then wither away with a couple elbows. Did you notice how frustrated Odom would get after the Celtics hit him a couple times? He’s like that guy you play pickup ball with that thinks he’s really good until you knock him on his butt a couple times and he starts crying. Lamar we know you are 6’11 and can take guys off the dribble with spin moves, but you are soft as hell.

8. James Posey, Likable?

I hate James Posey as much as the next Chicago fan. After all the crap with the Bulls and his constant cheap plays he can get annoying. By that same token, it is really nice to see a throwback veteran who signs with a team cheap to win a title, doesn’t back down from the “best player on the planet” (please Mark Jackson, enough of that crap!), bangs home big shots and is willing to play hard at all times. It was really enjoyable to watch someone as annoying as Posey mess around with the Soft Angeles Lakers as much as he wanted.

7. The Media Loves Boston

The downside of the Celtics winning? A million puff pieces on the title run and subsequent members. Garnett, Pierce and Allen overcoming the odds; Rondo stepping up; Rivers persevering through the death of his father; P.J. Brown finally winning a title; Leon Powe emerging. All interesting stories if we didn’t have to read columns from a million writers. With the NBA employing Simmons, Scoop Jackson, Hollinger, Marc Stein and the litany of other writers there will be 5,000 Celtics stories this week on ESPN and everywhere else. Be prepared.

6. Scot Pollard: Bench Legend

Again watch Sportscenter during the first half. Pollard is in his typical street clothes going nuts and being the requisite “white guy at the end of the bench”. But in the second half and title celebration you will notice him in basketball gear and Celtics attire. Looks like someone came prepared to party. It was also hysterical to see him on the edge of the locker room celebration dancing and pouring beer on people.

5. Rajon Rondo: Shafted

Rajon was the player of the game in game six and nobody talked about him. I mean Pierce had a great first half, KG a great rebound game and Ray Allen made a lot of three-pointers when the game was out of hand but Rondo was EVERYWHERE. He struggled at the start but defensively, (six steals) rebounding and running the break he was absolutely unstoppable. Of course the focus after the game was on anything but him when he had been shaky during the series and playing on a bum ankle. Simply stated, when he stepped up the Celtics were unbeatable.

4. Tom Thibodeau made himself a lot of money

Team defense is marquee in the Playoffs and the Celtics assistant showed that under his tutelage that a team can be great. His plans to help stop Kobe were great and he threw the MVP into a frenzy in most of the games of the series. The Celtics had a lot of veterans and good players but he helped turn Pierce into a good defender and helped the Celtics and defensively challenged Doc Rivers orchestrate a turnaround. Why the Bulls didn’t wait to interview this guy is a total mystery.

3. Paul Pierce: superstar

Before the Finals me and colleague Danny Sheridan debated about Pierce. I said he was a superstar before the Finals and Danny didn’t believe me, well now believe it. Pierce matched LeBron James and Kobe Bryant with intensity on both ends of the floor and looked like a man possessed for most of the playoffs. Big shots, tough drives, a knee injury that could be potentially worse than believed and the leadership and will that ultimately gave Boston the title. Job well done Paul.

2. Kobe Bryant: First Quarter Legend

Plain and simple, if anyone brings up Kobe and Jordan in the same sentence in regards to“greatness” then punch that person in the face.

1. KG: Absolutely nuts

Look we knew Garnett was a little off. Then came the final five minutes of the game where he stared down Lamar Odom with his tongue out, cursed at the end of the bench so many times that ABC kept silencing the entire sound of the broadcast to censor him and a rambling speech with Michelle Tafoya that reminded me of a less threatening version of Mike Tyson. Then comes the celebration where he is pouring Bud Lights on everyone like a madman and talks about beating bullies asses in the press conference after chatting up his buddy Scoop Jackson. It was totally bizarre and riveting at the same time. There needs to be a youtube video of him screaming as Leon Powe holds him up yelling “I got you boy! I got you boy!” put out there immediately.


Ricky O'Donnell said...

I can't wait till the "I got you boy" scene is reenacted at TTCS Summer Jam 2K8 when Danny Sheridan has a few too many Coronas and has to be helped out by none other than Freddy Church.

Anonymous said...

Phil looks tall cause he sits in a special chair for his hips after the surgery(s).

Anonymous said...

I understand that this can't be a full time job, but you make the blog look pretty shitty by just posting and not arranging anything so that it matches up with anything else on your list. On a side note, it was a pretty good list.

Scott Phillips said...


Yes i know Phil has a special chair, I saw it at the UC earlier this season. I just find it amusing how he sits so much higher.

Also in terms of this "looking shitty" I worked on the formatting issues involving numbers 1 and 2 of this list for a solid 30 minutes to no avail and it was 3:30 in the morning and I had work and school the next day so sorry. I will try to have everything perfect next time...

Anonymous said...

I agree Rondo was robbed - should have been Player of the Game. I think his 6 steals really set the pace for the Celtics to be aggressive.

Ricky O'Donnell said...

Uh, Rondo is definitely one of my five favorite players in the league. I envision Rose as Rondo 4.0.

Anonymous said...

Rondo is like Telfair .50. Too bad they had to deal the sickest thing to ever hit Coney Island or we would have had a "feel good story" for the ages. I can see it now, Telfair overcomes a drug charge and gun charges to become a relatively pivotal player off the bench. Josh Hamilton would have had nothing not Sebbie.

Anonymous said...

Great post and no offense to KG fans out there, but he went so over-the-top with that celebration I lost some respect. What was he doing? I watch my third NBA game of the year and I saw that? And you guys wonder why I don't watch basketball. His yelling reminded me of something I would see in that Will Farrell basketball movie. You know when Farrell yells for the sake of yelling but not really saying anything. But it could have been worse. He couldn't quite top Chicago Native Dwayne Wade in the embarrassment department when Wade decided to go on half court and celebrate with kids half his age when Richards won the state championship this year.