Thursday, May 21, 2009

Top Ten summertime sports in Chicago

With Memorial Day coming up this weekend and the ridiculous weather heading our way, throngs of Chicagoans will be out celebrating their much deserved three day weekend.

They're loading up on brats and burgers, chips and dip, beer and ice...the perfect fixings for any backyard BBQ.

But in between eating food and soaking up the sun, there's plenty of summertime sports the city of Chicago will play to fill in the gaps.

10. Kickball

Following on the coat tails of dodgeball's remarkable comeback, kickball is creeping back into the consciousness of Chicagoans.

Chances are, you haven't laced 'em up for a kickball game since middle school. The rules remain the same so all you have to do is bring a strong boot and the rest will take care of itself.

9. Roller Hockey

I'm sure roller hockey is going to be even more popular this year due to the success of the Chicago Blackhawks as of late.

8. Bocce Ball

Bocce Ball has enjoyed a steady comeback in recent years. For some time in the late it was getting trounced by lawn darts in sales.

But after a handful of unfortunate incidents, lawn darts perished while bocce ball hung tough.

7. Hillbilly Horseshoes/Ladder Golf

Just like bags, we're not really sure what the official name is for this game. But you're definitely going to need some room and you're definitely going to need some practice.

6. Horseshoes

Finding a watering hole or buddy who's got a horseshoe pit at their disposal is a rarity these days.

Tossing shoes is a national pastime and won't ever lose its place amongst the best sports of the summertime.

5. Washers

Washers definitely falls under the much tougher than it looks category of rec sports. You wouldn't think tossing a metal washer in a box would be much of a challenge.

But they're ultra portable and you you'll find sets of washers at backyard BBQ's all over the city.

4. 21

Everyone has their own version of this driveway basketball classic. Unlimited tips, three tips and you're out, tipped on zero and you're out, etc. Games can turn into epic battles that last for hours.

I've definitely rolled my fair share of ankles cherry picking down low while some poor sap takes ball.

3. Sand Volleyball

AVP Chicago Open

Three words: North Avenue Beach.

Summertime in the city at its absolute best. There's a stretch of sand volleyball courts filled to the brim with players throughout the season. What better way to enjoy a hot Saturday than playing some volleyball in the sun and taking a dive in the lake immediately afterward. Not to mention the great 'scenery' all around.

Good times.

2. Bags, Bag-O, Cornhole

Minnesota v Ohio State

The perfect summertime sport. I swear that if they made this an Olympic event, I'd try out in a heartbeat.

Casual enough where you can easily sip on a cold one and talk some trash to your opponent at the same time, bags is equal parts skill and strategy.

The TTCS crew will take on any challenger.

1. Softball

Obama campaign plans to hold election night rally in Grant Park in Chicago

Sixteen-inch softball is practically a religion in Chicago.

The lake front has been witness to some of the great softball sluggers and squads of all time. And standing in the outfield on gamenight is an experience that everyone should have at least once.


Pepster said...

Been playing kickball down in South Florida for about 6 years. Its a tremendously social (read: co-ed) league that is always followed up by games of flip-cup at the bar. I highly recommend it.

Unknown said...

Still no hockey? This site sucks. Haha, nice post. This makes me want to stop going to school/work and just play softball.