Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top ten Chicago athletes who should probably take steriods

10. Juan Pierre

With steroids...

Maybe Pierre could be something other than a punchline.

9. Tyson Chandler

With steroids...

Maybe Tyson could have spared the Bulls from the Ben Wallace Era.

8. Patrick Kane

With steroids...

Maybe the added strength could make Kane one of the league's most dominant scoreers.

7. Scott Podsednik

With steroids...

Maybe Scotty Pods could have top his 2005 regular season home run total: 0.

6. Paul Edinger

With steroids....

Maybe Corkscrew wouldn't have always been so short on kickoffs.

5. Josh Fields

With steroids....

Maybe Fields could revert back to the form he showed in the second half of 2006.

4. Kyle Orton

With steroids....

Maybe Orton could complete a pass longer than 15 yards.

3. Joakim Noah

With steroids...

Maybe Joakim could be the defensive anchor in the middle the Bulls desperately need.

2. Mike Brown

With steroids...

Maybe Brown could have come back from injury quicker.

1. Mark Grace

With steroids....

Maybe Grace could have been a Hall of Famer with the added power.


Anonymous said...

Pods must have started a cycle come playoff time of that '05 season, as he hit two that post season.

With steroids...
Alexei Ramirez now has a way to explain how he hit 20 homers last season.

Matthew Olsen said...

Forget Paul Edinger, what about our own Robbie Gould?

For as much as we're paying him, the least he could do is hit up the juice and boot some 50-yarders.

Freddy in the Chi said...

With steroids, Mark Grace would still smoke a pack of cigarettes in the dugout of Wrigley between innings.