Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Top Ten reasons we're joining ChicagoNow

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are proud to announce that we are officially joining ChicagoNow, 'a network of blogs connecting passionate experts on a wide range of uniquely Chicago topics'.


But if you want to know why we've decided to make the big move, check out the list below.

10. Oversight

Our new bosses actually have rules for us to follow.

Who knew that yanking photos from other blogs doesn’t make it okay for you to use them on your blog?

9. Networking

This move is the equivalent of joining a blog version of Facebook.

Though we probably won’t post naked or embarrassing photos of ourselves.

8. Profile Pics

Now you’ll actually get to see our ugly mugs.

You poor, poor souls.

7. Sweet New Design

You’ll have to take our word for it, but the new site is something that needs to be seen to be believed.

6. Fame


Not so much.

5. Disagreements

You can’t put two sports fans in a room and expect them to agree on everything unless they’re of the, “I regurgitate every opinion ESPN tells me to” variety.

So that’s what we want over at our new home with ChicagoNow.

If you got something to say, if you disagree, if you agree, if you think we’re idiots, TELL US! We’ll respond to as many comments as possible.

4. Credibility

Combining credibility and blogs together in a sentence usually results in rounds of laughter or Buzz Bissinger foaming at the mouth while spewing obscenities.

3. Our Friendly Neighborhood Stalker

ChicagoNow henchman Jimmy Greenfield has been on us like a madman trying to make sure we’re apart of this thing.

Jimmy, let’s just say I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy who can give you a great price on a hair piece.

See what I’m saying?

2. $$$$$$$$$

It all comes down to dollars and cents my friends.

And while it’s definitely a lot more cents than dollars, getting paid to blog is definitely something we’re interested in.

1. ChicagoNow has the Best Blogs in the City

With blogs from infamous Chicago personalities like ‘Blackjack’ McDowell, Len Kasper and Bob Brenly, ChicagoNow is the place for any Chi-Town sports nut.

And the perfect new home for Top Ten Chicago Sports.

Click here to visit the new site.

Click here to read the Top Ten reasons why Cubs fans shouldn't panic.