Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Top Ten Chicago photo-ops

Often times games, seasons or careers can be captured by one singular moment. And it isn't often that we actually get that moment on camera. However, over the last 25 years there have been a good amount of memorable images that Chicago fans will never forget. While there is one individual athlete (with the initials M-J) who graced the city for a 20-year span, I tried to not let his 50-plus game winners overshadow some of the other glamorous memories.

10. Hester's kick return


Yes, the Bears lost. Yes, they didn't look good. But for about 10 seconds, the Super Bowl was looking good for Chicago, as Devin Hester did the unthinkable (the usual), and took one to the house on the opening kick.

9. Sosa celebrates McGwire's 62nd home run


I am more than aware that this is more Mark McGwire's "moment" than Sosa's. However, that summer was the most captivating year of baseball that there has been in a long time. While steroids will now shame us for ever getting excited about what those two "accomplished," there was no reason to not be swept away by what they were doing at the time.

8. Perry's spike in end zone


This was the icing on the cake for what many called the greatest football team of all-time. It is funny to think that William Perry actually has more Super Bowl touchdowns than Walter Payton.

7. Shot on Ehlo


While many feel he was a standout before this, "The Shot" is what put Jordan on the map as we know him today. Colleague Eli told me an interesting story he heard about this game a few days ago. Many do not realize Ehlo had had the game of his life, scoring 25+ points. Before the inbound the announcer said something along the lines of "regardless of the outcome to this game, Craig Ehlo is going to remember this game for the rest of his life." He certainly is.

6. Jordan crying with trophy


After winning their third straight NBA title, Jordan sheds tears after thinking about his Dad.

5. Barrett punching AJ


Without a doubt, when Michael Barrett jacked AJ Pierzynski in the face after a play at the plate, it marked the highlight of the 14-year interleague rivalry between the Sox and the Cubs. Northside fans (and the rest of baseball for that matter) rejoiced after witnessing something that many had wanted to do before.

4. Payton's goal line dive

This isn't necessarily a particular moment, but more of a signature way Sweetness found the endzone when they were within the two.

3. White Sox World Series celebration

To some, this concluded the greatest sports day of his or her life, as Chicago witnessed its first title since 1998. Reinsdorf would call this win the greatest of his seven championships.

2. Alou vs. Bartman


Who would have thought that a lazy tailing foul ball would lead to what it did. Steve Bartman is folklore and the Cubs still don't have a World Series within the century. While Alou would later admit he never would have been able to actually get the ball, there is no denying that Bartman will forever be the cities' most hated headphones and glasses-wearing Cubs fan to date.

1. Jordan's last shot


The last shot of the greatest basketball player to ever touch a ball. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


  1. I am getting old. I remember each one like it was yesterday.

  2. It's fun to look back and remember. Great Top Ten.

  3. Re: Sosa celebrating the McGwire's homerun picture: Glad you made the steroid application to what was a famous picture. Now it can be considered an infamous picture.

  4. I'm thinking #3 should be #1...totally my biased opinion.

  5. Phil Barnes is a true OMGMDO champion.

    Great top ten. I am still waiting for a Blackhawk's related list though - they are in the playoffs if you didn't know.
