Friday, February 6, 2009

Top ten reasons Michael Jordan was better than Kobe and LeBron

After Kobe Bryant scored 61 versus the Knicks on Monday night, the discussion began that maybe he was a better player than Jordan. Then two nights later at Madison Square Garden, LeBron James came in and dropped 52 points to go along with 11 assists and 10 rebounds, and the talk got even louder that MJ wasn’t at the level of these current superstars. Problem is, all these talkers lack a long-term memory. Here are ten reasons that Air Jordan was better than both Kobe and the King.

(Note: This isn’t saying James (age 24) or Bryant (30) will never be better than MJ, just that right now they aren’t at that level.)

10: Jordan made every battle a personal one

One of Jordan’s best attributes was that he always found a way to tell himself he was being disrespected. Isaiah Thomas wouldn’t pass him the ball during the ’85 All-Star Game, so MJ made it his life mission to torment the Pistons guard, going as far as to forcing USA Basketball to leave Thomas off the Dream Team if they wanted MJ to play. Yet time after time Shaq has called out Kobe in public, and the Lakers star has never responded with a huge game versus O’Neal’s team. Michael never would have stood for that.

9: Jordan faced tougher defenses

During MJ’s career, teams were allowed to hand check offensive players and play the Bad Boys/ Pat Riley kinds of physical defense. Now, if LeBron is touched anywhere inside the three-point arc, he goes to the free throw line. Yet Jordan still averaged more than 30 points a game over the course of his career in the regular season and over 33 in the playoffs.

8: Jordan was in Space Jam

Are you telling me that LeBron James and four cartoon characters would be able to beat a MonStar lineup of Shawn Bradley, Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Larry Johnson and Muggsy Bogues? I doubt it.

7: Jordan evolved his game

Starting off, Michael was a drive to the basket player who had solid- but not spectacular- range on his jump shot. As he matured as a player and some of his athleticism vanished, he added a pull up jumper, some post moves, and most famously, a completely un-guardable fadeaway. Both Kobe and LeBron are young enough that they can get by on their raw skills, as well as improving every season themselves. It still remains to be seen though when those two lose some of their athletic skills if they will be able to adjust like Jordan did.

6: Jordan carried a bigger burden

No offense to Scottie Pippen (one of the top five players of the 1990’s), Dennis Rodman (best rebounder ever) and Jud Buechler (the whitest player ever), but Michael was never surrounded by the greatest talent, especially in the frontcourt. On the other hand, Kobe spent the first half of his career alongside the leagues most dominant player, Shaq, and has also played with fellow All-Stars Gary Payton, Karl Malone and Pau Gasol. LeBron, you get a break on this one.

5: Jordan came first (on the court)

When Mike came into the league, there was nobody for him to model his game after. He was the first dynamic shooting guard who could dominate by attacking the basket since Elgin Baylor, who had been retired for 13 years when MJ joined the Bulls. Kobe and LeBron on the other hand had the pleasure of watching and studying Jordan, a reason MJ’s influence is alive in both players’ games today.

4: Jordan came first (off the court)

Would Kobe have his own line of Nike sneakers without Jordan coming first? Who knows. Would LeBron have jersey number 23 if MJ hadn’t done it before him? Can’t say. Would either player be wearing baggy shorts were it not for Michael making that a must in the NBA? Beats me. The point is, Jordan made as much of an impact off the court as anybody before or after him in basketball history.

3: Jordan was clutch

What was the biggest shot of Jordan’s career? The debate could last for hours, with arguments to be made for his three-pointer to win the Flu Game in ’97, ‘The Shot’ over Craig Ehlo that took out Cleveland in ’89, his baseline jumper for North Carolina in the ’82 NCAA Final or his steal, crossover and jump shot in ’98 that gave the Bulls championship number six. And that’s just the four most memorable plays. Kobe is a great end-of-game player and LeBron is getting there, but neither is on MJ’s level when the clock is ticking down.

2: Jordan played better defense

Both James and Bryant are great defenders, often times locking down their opponents’ best player. But they never got into players heads on the defensive end like Mike did. Does anybody realize that Jordan is #2 all-time in NBA history with 2,514 steals in 15 seasons? Bryant, in his 12th year in the league, has a little over half that many (1,380).

1: Jordan was a winner

Michael was the best player on six NBA championship teams. So far, Kobe has been the second best player for three titles and most recently lost by 39 points in the deciding game of the ’08 Finals. LeBron almost single-handedly got Cleveland to the ‘07 Finals, where his team was swept. Until either the Lakers or Cavaliers begin taking annual champagne showers in mid-June like Jordan did, the original #23 will still be the best.


  1. Top notch list my friend, no way Bron Bron could handle the ferocity of the Monstars.

  2. I think #6 sums it all up. Jordan made his teammates better.

  3. "and the talk got even louder that MJ wasn’t at the level of these current superstars."
    What??? I haven't heard any talk this week that because of one huge game by both Kobe and LeBron against a pathetic Knicks team that they are suddenly each better than Jordan. That line you wrote makes absolutely zero sense.

  4. I disagree with the last comment, I saw a few articles and polls after the two games at MSG earlier this week about how LBJ and Kobe had more impressive performances and how their games were better than Jordan's.


  6. I think the ever declining interest in the NBA is testament to the fact that neither Kobe nor LeBron are fit to hold Jordan's jock.
    Not only was Jordan the best to play the game, he was an ambassador for the NBA and basketball in general. I would wager that he created more new fans of the game than Bryant and LeBron combined.

  7. I had the pleasure of going to several Chicago Bulls game to photograph Michael Jordan during the dynasty years. The guy was simply amazing. Kobe can only dream of being better than Jordan.

  8. No one can stand up to jordan. they are talking so much this week about whose game was better at msg jordan kobe or lebron but they arent talking about how jordan scored 55 against the knicks team who went to the semifinals that year just 5 days back from retirement. while the knicks arent even at 500 this year. whose game was better? ha

  9. As for your point about Jordan expanding his game as he aged:

    After getting beat up by the Bad Boy Pistons in the 1989 playoffs, MJ decided to start working with a personal trainer, Tim Grover, to make him stronger, less susceptible to injury, and better able to withstand the grind of the NBA season/playoffs.

    Jordan's game got better as he transformed his body.

    There's little question that his controversial (because he used his own trainer, not the Bulls' trainer) off season training methods played a major roll in the Bulls' first three championship runs.

    A few years later, when Jordan returned to basketball from his first retirement, he'd added about 30 lbs of muscle (from his baseball physique). His bulkier body gave him some problems in his abbreviated '95 season. So before the 1995/96 season, Jordan worked harder on his training than he ever had at any point in his career (despite the fact that he also filmed Space Jam in that time period). He maintained his bulked-up physique, but focused on getting his explosiveness, quickness and agility back. He also worked harder on his game than he ever had.

    From the '96 season onward, Jordan used his size & strength to post his defenders up, rather than attack defenses solely from the perimeter. He was already the best player in the league at breaking defenders down off the dribble, but the addition of an entire new dimension (a post-up option) to his game made him better than ever.

    The result was three more championships.

  10. Lebron an Kobe can hold MJ's jock, if they sign up to be MJ's house cleaner!

    Anyone who even questions the validity that Jordan was WAY better in a MUCH HARDER defensive era needs to get his/her head checked. Right now, they are all playing for the #2 spot. Even then, guys like Tim Duncan, as unflashy as his game is, is still a WAY better historical player than either of those 2 guys. Let's put it this way, after Jordan reached his peak (i.e. winning a championship), he has NEVER lost the title in any full season he has played. Think about that, after becoming the best, NO ONE ever took it from him before he basically retired (#2). If he played straight through, is there really any doubt that he would have had 8 STRAIGHT rings? Hakeem sucks MJs cock every time he sees him because if MJ never retired, he's basically would be a marginally better Patrick Ewing. Another franchise guy who never got a title.

    Like him or hate him MJ absolutely RULED the NBA. If it wasn't for pity and some NBA affirmative action, MJ would ahve had WAY MORE than 5 MVPs. He was the best player in the league basically since he got in the NBA and for certain from his 3rd season on.

    Lebron and Kobe are awesome, they just have a WAYS to go.

  11. If Bron or Kobe played against the the Bad Boy Pistons, they would have cried. If they used the rules they have now back then, MJ would have LIVED on the line and being a very good free throw shooter, he would have had 30-50% more points with all the freebies and extra operating space he would get for driving to the hole.

    I also agree that MJ was WAYYYYY better a defender than both those guys COMBINED. Til Bron get more than 37, 8 ,8 (in an EASIER era, mind you) for a whole season and wins some titles, he doesn't deserve to even smell Jordan's jock.

    I will say though, that Bron is a physical BEAST. That dude basically has to duck during his jump or he will decapitate himself when he's dunking. I saw him in the Mcdonalds game in high school and his Dunk almost looked too easy since he was way too high and had to WAIT to come down before he could flush the rock down.

  12. Man Who ever wrote this personally needs to commit suicide because LeBron is clearly better then both of them and the only reason he says that he is not better than Kobe Or MJ because he shows respect to them both.... True MJ Had 6 rings but look at the team he had exactly he didnt do it by himself like Lebron And you ignorant people on here needs to know that Lebron is the Best Player in the World....In a 1 on 1 game Who Would win out of Kobe Vs. Lebron umm Let Me See LEBRON....MJ Vs. Lebron UMm Lebron Would stop him ..yeah I SAID IT There is No One in the world that could stop Lebron So Get OFF Lebron NUTZ....Go Kick Rocks

  13. How come Magic isn't being brought up in this? I still think he was a better play maker and clutch performer than Lebron or Kobe. He tookover the championship game as a rookie. In every basketball team he's ever been part of they've won the championship. Yes, he was surrounded by greats, but then again you could argue he made them go from being good to great through his play making.

  14. Amen. Michael Jordan may not have been the best. But surely he was the legend & legacy of NBA.

  15. I think #2 is one of the best arguments against Kobe. Jordan's defense was impenetrable. Once LeBron gets a better team he will have a chance to make some championship runs. With Garnett out for the Celtics it could be this year!

    Corey M.
    Bankruptcy lawyer

  16. may be these guys who are saying Kobe/Lebron is better than MJ are still in grade school during the time of his airness.Michael is still the one who took basketball to the next level.If kobe/Lebron can win 6 rings before the end of their career then we can say they are close enough to Michael.But for now they still have a looong waaay to gooo...........

  17. Lebron still has a chance,considering that hes only 23 but MJ will always be better

  18. carlos mcleod. such a stupid guy.

  19. Nobody can stop Michael Jordan.. . NOBODY ^^

  20. Patrick Gonzales
    I just want to remind you guys. Michael Jordan is the only player to win both the scoring title and the defence player off the year in the same year, let's think about that for a sec, most points on one end, and best defence at the other end. Not to mention he blocked more shots than 19 starting centers in the NBA that year. What do you think about that Carlos McLeod?????? If you Carlos McLeod can come up with anything close to that feat from kobe or lebron I will them all the credit, oh did I mention that he came from a broken that year!!!!!!!
