Thursday, February 19, 2009

Top Ten Things You Should Know About the Bulls-Kings Trade

10. Michael Ruffin

The only player in this deal to be traded twice in the span of an hour.

Ruffin didn't really do much for the Bulls. And outside of his career best 14 point, 16 rebound game last season against the Heat, he hasn't done much for anyone.

What Portland's motivation is for acquiring Ruffin remains to be seen. But the Bulls lost absolutely nothing and Ruffin was simply an extra piece to make the numbers match up.

9. Cedric Simmons

Simmons won't find anymore playing time in Sac-Town than he did here in Chicago.

He'll most likely be released at the end of the season and be free to try out with any team that will have him. I wouldn't be surprised to see his name pop up in the D-League to work his way back up to the bigs.

He was just wasted space on the bench and Bulls are the same team without him.

8. Andres Nocioni

As much as the blue collar city of Chicago enjoyed Nocioni early on in his Bulls career, his constant whining and flopping certainly grew tiresome as time wore on.

I've always compared him to that guy at the rec center who chucks up a three ball anytime it touches his hands. Flopping is not defense and when the calls weren't going his way or his shot wasn't falling, Nocioni was just another liability out on the court.

He'll remind the Kings of Vlade Divac, but I hope they realize that Vlade sucking down a Lucky Strike mid-sprint is better than anything Nocioni has to offer.

7. Drew Gooden

Drew Gooden's time in the Windy City wasn't all that bad, but then again, not for the $7.1 million he's still owed.

On the other side, Kings fans can't be too excited about a guy that was only traded for because of his expiring contract. It's what comes after his contract expires they can be happy about because the Kings will have the cap space for a nice free agent acquisition.

As for the Bulls, they're one step closer to removing the bad memories of the Ben Wallace and subsequent trade to get Gooden era.

6. Brad Miller

Raise your hand if you ever thought Brad Miller would be making a return trip to the Bulls and that the majority of you would be happy about it.


Miller has lost a step since his days in red (that is, if he ever had one), but he's still one of the best passers out of the post that you'll find in the Association.

He'll help the Bulls with their super secret, drive and kick strategy due to his ability to knock down the elusive mid range jumper.

Health will always be a concern (coincidentally, his last game was against the Bulls), but definitely an upgrade at Center.

5. John Paxson

He found the trigger!

I've been as rough as anyone on Paxson this season, but here I've got to give the man his due credit.

I'm impressed with this deal.

Instead of just complaining about what didn't happen in a deal for Amare Stoudamire, Pax went out and made a trade that makes a whole lot of sense for his team.

Miller and Salmons should contribute immediately and make them a better squad before they even suit up for the first time.

Nice job Pax.

4. John Salmons

The most attractive part of the deal has to be Salmons.

While showing nothing but mediocrity through his first five years in the league, Salmons has taken his game to a new level this season, averaging 18.3 ppg, 4.2 rpg and 3.7 apg.

Standing at 6'6", Salmons is an athletic small forward the Bulls could definitely use alongside Derrick Rose.

But be careful of expecting too much too quickly from Salmons as he's become a chucker at the expense of becoming relevant in the NBA. On a team loaded with shoot first, blame Vinnie Del Negro later players, Salmons may need some time to find his niche.

3. Vinny Del Negro

While this relives pressure from the Paxson situation, it only intensifies it upon our rookie head coach.

Is he going to be able to steady the ship with new faces, young kids, crafty vets and 'I gotta get min' on board?

I'll believe it when I see it, but it's going to be a rocky start.

2. Who's losing minutes?

Miller instantly becomes the Bulls starting center, sending Noah to the bench and taking away his minutes.

Salmons, on the other hand, is a bit trickier.

First of all, you can send Thabo back to the bench where he belongs. Salmons is listed as a SF, but plays more as a hybrid guard/forward than anything and will be fighting for minutes in the guard rotation.

He was averaging 37.4 minutes per game in Sacramento, but I doubt he'll get anywhere near that on the Bulls.

How's Vinny going to keep everyone happy?

1. More Wins?

Because that's what it's all about right?

Does this deal make the Bulls legitimate playoff contenders?

I guess, but more by default than anything else.

The bottom of the East is far from being considered what you'd call stiff competition. The Bucks currently hold the 8th seed with a sterling record of 27-30.

Bulls fans can definitely expect this team to make a playoff push, but let me ask you this:

Would you rather the Bulls made the playoffs or get a lottery pick?

I'm not so sure.



  1. I will add this...word on the street is that Brad Miller smoked dope when he was in Chicago. So let's state the obvious, Brad Miller is a doper. Now, let's analyze why he was upset to leave Sacramento. Well, Sacramento is located in Northern California. Yes, country...check. What else? Oh yeah, Northern California is the dope capital of the world! Miller won't be with his buds any more!

    Another thought....Hinrich and Salmons should be the shooting guard combo for the Bulls the next two years. Hinrich can also play point. Let Ben Gordon go and continue to do everything you can to trade Hughes.

  2. In number 10, when did Michael Ruffin have a 14 point, 16 rebound game for the Bulls? He hasn't played all season.

  3. My bad, I failed to mention that was his career high game, and not his best game with the Bulls.

    Good catch.
