Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Top Ten Guys Who Could Have Placed The Infamous Blowup Doll in the Sox Locker Room

10. Juan Uribe

You know, just to take some attention off that monster .239 OPB.

9. Adam Archuleta

I hear he's got some extra time on his hands now.

8. Josh Fields

When Adam Russell gets called to majors instead of you, you have to find a way to keep yourself sane somehow.

7. Alexei Ramirez

Sure Alexi, “visa problems”.

6. Kyle Orton

Got drunk, confused.

5. Cedric Benson

He can’t seem to do anything right at this point.

4. Ozzie Guillen

Only a crazy person would do something so foolish and Ozzie, yeah, he’s kinda nutty.

3. Jim Thome


2. Brian Anderson

We never thought these were the type of ‘honeys’ BA was always talking about, but in a world where Marvin Harrison can shoot a guy, anything is possible.

1. Nick Swisher

Come on, when this first came out, everyone thought the same thing: Swiiiiiisherrrrr!


  1. for sure AJ had something to do with it... Ramirez is so small they could have put him in luggage and just brought him over the border that way.

  2. I think Coop might have had something to do with it too. He defines what a dirty old man looks and sounds like. Great list.

  3. Had to be Swish, but don't put it past the quite but deadly Harold Baines!
