Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Top Ten Chicago Theme Songs

There are songs that have some way become attached to Chicago's favorite sports franchises. Whether they were written specifically for the team or just happen to catch on for some reason or another, they strike a chord among Chicagoans and can bring back some of our fondest sports memories. So here are TTCS' Top Ten Chicago Theme Songs........

10. AC/DC - Thunderstruck - 2005 White Sox

The Sox use this song for their player introductions and during the 2005 World Series season, it became a permanent fixture in team history.

9. Whoomp There It Is - Tag Team - '93 Bulls

This one-hit-wonder hit it big when it was played after the Bulls won the 1993 NBA Championship.

What's scary is I can literally recite this song upon request, with or without music.

8. Be Like Mike - You Know Who - '92

We all wanted to Be Like Mike and this commercial came during the glory years of Bulls basketball.

7. Rock and Roll Part 2 - Bulls - Dynasty


6. Take Me Out To The Ball Game - Cubs

While it does play in ballparks across the country, Take Me Out to the Ball Game will always be a part of Cubbie lore thanks to one Mr. Harry Caray.

5. Super Bowl Shuffle - Bears - '85

The fact this team recorded the Super Bowl Shuffle before they actually even made it to the championship sums up how brash and cocky they were.

And Chicagoans loved every second of it.

4. Go Cubs Go - Steve Goodman - Cubs

The Cubbie fans sing along to this tune after every win. And Sox fans everywhere desperately reach for something to plug their ears with.

3. Don't Stop Believin - Journey - '05 White Sox

Corny? Absolutely. But this song will forever be tied to the team that brought this city its first World Series title in 88 years.

2. Bulls Intro Music

I still get goosebumps every single time I hear this song.

1. Bear Down Chicago Bears

"Baseball will divide this city, Football shall unite it."

In Chicago, a truer statement has never been made. The feeling of 61,500 Bear fans singing this track after a touchdown is something that cannot be put into words.


  1. I got some tracks here.

    -Van Halen "Jump" for the 84 Cubs
    -Queen "Another One Bites the Dust" and whoever sings "Hit the Road Jack" for Bulls games.
    -The Go Go White Sox song from the 59' team that they brought back in that 05' season.
    -"Soulja Boy" for Devin Hester

  2. Good to see your list that includes Steve Goodman. He often doesn't get his due. You might be interested in my 800-page biography, "Steve Goodman: Facing the Music." The book delves deeply into the genesis of "A Dying Cub Fan's Last Request" and its semi-sequel "Go, Cubs, Go."

    You can find out more at my Internet site (below). Amazingly, the book's first printing sold out in just eight months, all 5,000 copies, and a second printing of 5,000 is available now. The second printing includes hundreds of little updates and additions, including 30 more photos for a total of 575. To order a second-printing copy, see the "online store" page of my site. Just trying to spread word about the book. Feel free to do the same!

    Clay Eals
    1728 California Ave. S.W. #301
    Seattle, WA 98116-1958

    (206) 935-7515
    (206) 484-8008

  3. How can "Here come the Hawks" be left off this list? I know it's an older song but it's still played before every home game.

  4. Nice shit O. The only other one would be the song from Pirates of the Caribbean that the Sox play at the start of the game now. That shit gives me chills every time I hear it.
